What precautionary measures are you taking inside your facility regarding COVID-19?

We have a strict pre-screening policy in effect to all staff who enter our facility - this is performed on a daily basis. In the event that an employee exhibits symptoms, they are advised to self-isolate as per Health Canada guidelines.



How does my PETAL ACADEMY  subscription work?

PETAL ACADEMY  delivers all the ingredients to create a gorgeous arrangement right to your doorstep! For ongoing subscriptions you will be charged apx 10 days before your next delivery. Prepaid subscriptions are charged up front ** with a lovely discount may we add.

Managing your account is easy breezy. Log in with your username and make changes to your subscription like updating your address or payment details, change your frequency (for ongoing subscribers) holiday pauses on your deliveries, or cancel your subscription (there will be tears shed and heartbreak, but no hard feelings).

To guarantee the best flowers (and provide the best prices) we need time to plan ahead. This is why we book 2 weeks out for any changes. 

What do I get in my box?

All the gorgeous blooms you need, a vessel, flower food and care card and music playlist  are included with every delivery.  You will need floral snips or shears and water on hand.  And occasionally wire snips. Need some tools?  Treat yourself  visit our TOOL SHOP https://petalacademy.com/collections/tools-supplies

And simply add on a snips, wire Tape  or whatever else we recommend you need to execute your design or practice others.

What techniques and flowers will I learn about?

We have a rotation of designs including vase arrangements, handtied bouquets, biodegradable foam arrangements and trend theme collections so each delivery you are learning something new.

Flowers are 80% grown in Canada *subject to availability

and we pick the Seasons best.

How long will my flowers last?

Pending care your arrangements should last a min of 5 -7 days, we like to incorporate some dryable materials often ...so keepers are coming your way!

My flowers look squished!

Don’t fret my friend, simply hydrate your blooms as outlined on your care card and blooms will hydrate and plump up!

I’m not happy with the quality of my flowers!

Oh dear...how unfortunate, please send us a picture to info@petalacademy.com so we can remedy the situation and see what happened.  Don’t worry we’ll make it right.

I have an allergy, can you accommodate?

We can’t guarantee allergy free materials, because everyone has different sensitivity levels.  If you are highly sensitive, this may not be for you.  But please do send us a note to info@petalacademy.com with concerns and we’ll try our best to substitute blooms as best we can.

I don’t like certain blooms, can you leave those out?

Sorry folks, our boxes are especially curated to execute our video tutorial.  So we unfortunately cannot exclude product.

I have pets – what should I be aware of?

Many blooms range from mild to major toxicity & can cause upset tummies for our furry friends … Best to place them in a protected area and be diligent to monitor your furry friends curiosity.


When will my delivery arrive and when are the live tutorials?

We ship Wednesday’s and Thursdays pending your area.  Live tutorials happen every Thursday at 7pm - we want to ensure everyone has their box and is good to go.

A recorded link will be sent out post class - so if you can’t make it no worries, pour yourself a glass, turn up the tunes and create at your own leisure.

Do you ship nationally?

We ship all non perishable kits nationally.  And some wreath kits as noted

Do you ship internationally?

Sorry, we are a Canadian company and only ship in Canada at this time. 

Can I specify a delivery time?

No, but you can give us special instructions as to where to deliver if you are not home. / Or like a food box the courier will leave on your doorstep.

My box hasn’t arrived – what do I do?

Sometimes due to volume and time of year boxes can be slightly delayed.

Email is direct at info@petalacademy.com with any concerns


Where can the customer cancel the subscription?

Customers are able to cancel their subscriptions in the customer portal, which can be accessed via the link they receive in each subscription email OR by logging into their account in your shop. 

Help! I need to change my address!

Just log in to your account and update the address area under your profile.

I am going on holidays – can I pause my PETAL ACADEMY delivery?

Yes you should see that option under your plan on your account.

What is the cutoff to skip a delivery or cancel?

10 days prior is required.

What should I do if my delivery comes late?

 Please let us know at info@petalacademy.com when your delivery is late

a recorded video tutorial will be sent out to you 

you can follow the instructions in your box and create your beautiful arrangement

How do I cancel my subscription?

Just go to your account and follow the prompts. 


I want to send a subscription as a gift. How do I do that?

Just fill our their address in the shipping information box at check out.